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UKG Punch Import FAQs
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1. What format does the punch data need to be in for import to UKG via the API?

To import punches to UKG, you will need to ensure the punches are in detamoov's Standard Punch format


2. What third-party systems which produce punches can be imported to UKG through detamoov?

Any third-party system which can generate punches into CSV or fixed length format can be imported to UKG through detamoov. detamoov's data transformation engine can be used to transform data from the third-party system format to the Standard Punch format


3. How long does it take for the UKG punch import to complete through detamoov?

Typically most punch imports complete in a matter of minutes from the time detamoov receives the source punch data.


4. What errors could occur with a punch import to UKG via detamoov?

There are two types of errors that could be experienced when completing a punch import to UKG via detamoov.


Fatal error - a fatal error is one in which the entire punch import will fail. This means no punches will be imported to UKG. The following conditions could cause a fatal error:


  • An employee defined on the punch record does not exist in UKG. This means on the punch record does not match an employee for the company in UKG. 


API import error - an API import error is a message generated by UKG for a punch record that was sent to the UKG API. When API errors occur, some punches can successfully be posted to UKG but the records identified with an API import error failed and did not import to UKG. We've seen the following conditions create API import errors:


  • Punch overlap - the date time of a punch overlaps with an existing punch for the same employee already in UKG. 


With both types of errors, detamoov will send out an immediate email then punch import API to UKG completes. You can configure the recipients of this email list on a client by client basis if desired.


5. I received a duplicate punch API import error but there's not a punch visible on the employee's timesheet in UKG?

We ran into this scenario testing and found that if an employee had a punch that was on their timesheet and that punch had been deleted, the API would not accept a new punch with the same day and time. We used the Timesheet Audit Trail in UKG to find the deleted punch.


6. Where in UKG will I see the result of the punch import from detamoov?

Punches that have been successfully imported to UKG via the API will show on the employee's Timesheet within UKG.

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