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Home > moovs > moov creation > How to create a new filter definition
How to create a new filter definition
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A filter definition allows you to specify filter protocols that filter out data based upon specific rules you set.  For example, if you wish to filter out data where the the Job Type is 'Kitchen', you can create a protocol to accomplish that.



Create new filter definition


To create a new filter definition, access the Admin Console by clicking on your initials at the top right hand corner.


Next you will want to click on Filter Definitions and Click on Add button to create a new filter definition

NOTE: If you don't have all the tabs like File Definitions, Validation Definitions, etc. available in your admin console, contact our support team and we can enable them on your detamoov account.


Click on Add and then select the Create New Definition option


Enter a name and description and select the File Definition.  In order to create a filter definition, you must first Create a file definition related to the filter.  Click Save Changes.


Create new filter protocol


A filter protocol allows you to create one or more filter rules based on the input fields of the selected file definition.


First step would be to click on Add Protocol button.


Then click on Add Rule button.


Then select the Input Field and select the Filter Rule you want to apply.  Then click OK.

Filter protocols give you the flexibility to add more than one rule and provide an AND/OR logic based on the rules you have selected.


Here we have 2 rules and the AND option is selected.  When the AND option is selected, all rules provided in the protocol must be true for the data to be filtered out.  In this example, both the Reg Rate AND the OT Rate fields must be greater than or equal to 0 for the record to be filtered from the data.


Here we have 2 rules and the OR option is selected.  When the OR option is selected, only one rule provided in the protocol must be true for the data to be filtered out.  In this example, the Reg Rate OR the OT Rate fields must be greater than or equal to 0 for the record to be filtered from the data.


Publish a filter definition


It is important that you publish your filter definition as it will not be made available to you when creating the moov definition.  The Publish button is at the top right hand corner when you click in the Filter Definition.



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