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Home > Account and User Maintenance > How to authorize a Dropbox account for File Sharing
How to authorize a Dropbox account for File Sharing
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detamoov is always looking for ways to make file transferring easier for our customers.  This article describes how to create a File Sharing account to allow detamoov to monitor a specific Dropbox folder.  This will allow you to simply place files inside your Dropbox folder that you specify in detamoov, and we will pick up the files and process them for moovs you have configured in detamoov.


Authorize Dropbox Account


First, you will need to create an authorization for the detamoov app on your Dropbox account.  To start, login to detamoov and click your initials in the upper right and select Admin Console from the dropdown.



On the Admin Console, click the Settings tab.



Expand the File Sharing panel, click the Add button, and then click the Drobox Logo.



A Dropbox authorization process will now commence. You will then be prompted to login to the Drobox account to connect to detamoov.



Once the authorization has been granted, you will be redirected back to the Admin Console in detamoov with the File Sharing panel expanded and showing the account you just authorized:




Provide a Folder Path to Monitor


Once you authorized the detamoov app, a detamoov folder will appear in the Apps folder within Dropbox. 



In order for detamoov to monitor your Dropbox account for files, you must specify a folder within the Apps/detamoov folder.  Here we have created a folder in the App/detamoov folder named 'Inbound', but you can name the folder anything you would like as long as it appears in the App/detamoov folder inside Dropbox.



Now we will need to specify this folder inside our File Sharing account in detamoov.  To do this, click on the account and enter in the folder path in the Folder Path field.


NOTE:  the Folder Path value must start with a forward slash ( / ).



Once you have successfully authorized Dropbox and specified a folder path in detamoov, any file that you place inside the specified folder will be uploaded to detamoov.  Please make sure that the files you place in the monitored folder match the File Name Starts with (File Name Contains) naming convention for a moov configuration in Testing or Active status.



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