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Home > moovs > How to configure a moov - Retirement to Payroll > Retirement To UKG > How to configure the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov
How to configure the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov
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This article describes how to configure a client for the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov definition used for 360 integration.  Each client configuration will vary based on their plan specification and will need to be configured accordingly.


Configuring the UKG API with a Service Account


Before you can configure your client for the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov, you will need to create a UKG Premier Integration.  Please review the Configuring the UKG API with a Service account article.


Create a UKG Scheduled Deduction Report


detamoov uses a Scheduled Deductions saved report that is called through the UKG API. Each company will need to have this report created before the 360 integration can be configured.  See the Create the Scheduled Deduction Report for 360 Retirement Integrations article for steps on how to create this report.


Adopt the moov


After the UKG Premier Integration has been activated on your account, please add the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov to your account by following these steps.


Once the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov has been added to your account, access the moovs section on the left side menu and click on the Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov.



Send File Settings


The Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov provides a notification once the moov is complete with a summary of the deduction changes that were made in UKG. The notification can be sent to any email address you wish and can also be configured to send to multiple email addresses. 


To edit the send file step, click on the cog icon under the Action - Send File step on the left.  Then toggle the "Use default parameters" off and enter in the email addresses you would like to receive the notification.  If you would like to enter multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.  A Reply to email is also required in the event that a recipient of the notification replies to the email.



Note: these settings apply to any client configuration you set up for this specific moov.  You also have the ability to configure the send file step for each client configuration if you wish to add or remove email addresses per client.


To save your parameters click on the Save Changes button.


Configure a client


In the moov configuration section, click the Add button to add a new client to the moov.



Complete the ID and source


Client/Entity - either select an existing client or click the + sign to create a new client. 

Status - Set to Active

Expected Frequency - the client's payroll frequency

File Name Starts With - Principal files for your client with be in the naming convention of C[Prefix][Contract Number]_DFRL_[CCYYMMDD].  This field should be the C[Prefix][Contract Number] part of the file name

File Name Contains - Enter the value: DFRL


Note: make sure that the File Name Starts with field matches as this can cause issues pulling the Principal feedback file and updating UKG.


For example, if we expect the client's file name to be C612345_DFRL_20240501, we would create our configuration like this:



Click Next once you have completed the ID and source section.


Configure the SFTP Schedule


To automate the 360 integration, configure the SFTP schedule.  Click the SFTP banner under the Trigger - SFTP Pull Data Trigger step and click Add.



On the New SFTP Configuration section on the right, select the SFTP Pull option from the Premier Integration menu.  Then select either "Every X weeks" or "On certain days of the month", depending on how often you would like detamoov to check for new deduction files.  In the example below, we have set up a schedule to check for files every week on Fridays.



Click OK once you have created your SFTP configuration.



Principal will send deduction feedback files even if no deduction changes were made. This will result in a blank deduction feedback file.  When this occurs, detamoov can skip the step.  To activate the skip step, locate the Action - Header/Footer Rows  step and select "Skip step if no data to process" from the Skip Step dropdown.



UKG Deduction Code Transformation Override


If your UKG deduction codes for your client are different than the default values in the table below, you will need to create a transformation override to update the mappings. 


The table below shows the Principal deduction code for the employee, the code detamoov maps the Principal code to, and the default UKG deduction code. 


Deduction Code Table


Principal Deduction Code detamoov Code UKG Deduction Code (default)
0001 401k 401k
0017 401k Catch Up  
0021 401k Roth Roth401k
0041 401k Roth Catch Up  


Below is an example of a UKG Deduction.  detamoov uses the value in the Code field as shown below:




Override Existing Deduction Code Mapping


Example 1: detamoov receives the Principal deduction code 0001 and converts it to 401k.  A transformation is then performed to convert 401k to the UKG code.  By default, this value would be 401k.  If your client's deduction code is different in UKG, say your UKG deduction code is PreTax instead of 401k, then you will need to provide a transformation override for the Deduction Code field.


Note: The Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov contains 3 separate Transform steps.  The following information relates to step 5 Action - Transform only.


To provide a transformation override, locate step 5 - Action Transform, expand the Transformation Overrides panel and click ADD.



Then select field 6: Deduction Code and click ADD OVERRIDE.



On the side panel that appears, in the Replacement Groups field, replace the right side of 401k|401k with your client's deduction code. 



In our example, we will replace 401k with PreTax and then click OK.



Override to Add Contribution Code Mapping


Example 2: detamoov receives the Principal deduction code 0017 and converts it to 401k Catch Up.  Since we don't set a default for this code when converting to UKG, you will need to provide a transformation override to include the replacement group 401k Catch Up|[your UKG Code].


To provide a transformation override, locate step 5 - Action Transform, expand the Transformation Overrides panel and click ADD.



Then select field 6: Deduction Code and click ADD OVERRIDE.



On the side panel that appears, in the Replacement Groups field, add a new group: 401k Catch Up|[your UKG Code].  If your UKG deduction code, for example, is CatchUp, then we would include the following and click OK.



UKG Earnings List Transformation Override


detamoov has a default value of "401k Earnings" set as the Earning Lists sent to UKG.  If your client's plan has a different value, you will need to create an override to set this value.


Note: The Principal Deduction Feedback to UKG moov contains 3 separate Transform steps.  The following information relates to step 5 Action - Transform only.


To provide a transformation override, locate step 5 - Action Transform, expand the Transformation Overrides panel and click ADD.



Then select field 16: EE Amount Earnings List and click ADD OVERRIDE.



On the side panel that appears, replace "401k Earnings" with your Earnings List value and click OK.




Principal will send deduction feedback files even if no deductions changes were made.  This will result in a blank deduction feedback file.  When this occurs, detamoov can skip the UKG Retirement 360 step.  To activate the skip step, locate the Action - UKG Retirement 360 step and select "Skip step if no data to process" from the Skip Step dropdown.



Configure the UKG Retirement 360 Step


To configure the UKG Retirement 360 step for you client, locate the Action - UKG Retirement 360 step, expand the UKG API panel and click ADD.



On the side panel that appears, select your UKG API Premier Integration and enter in the following parameters:



  1. Company Short Name - the company short name in UKG
  2. The Scheduled Deduction Report System ID - If you have not created this report, refer to the Create the Scheduled Deduction Report for 360 Retirement Integrations article
  3. Loan Deduction Codes - This field can be left blank as Principal Loans are sent in a separate feedback file

You can also enter in one or more email addresses in the Error Messages Email.  If left blank, all detamoov users on your account with administrator rights will receive emails if the UKG API import fails.


Click OK to complete the UKG Import configuration.



Principal will send deduction feedback files even if no deductions changes were made.  This will result in a blank deduction feedback file.  When this occurs, detamoov can skip the Send File step.  To activate the skip step, locate the Action - Send File step and select "Skip step if no data to process" from the Skip Step dropdown.



Send File Step Override


At the beginning of this article you configured the send file step for the moov to send a notification once the moov had completed.  You also have the ability to configure the send file step for each client configuration if you wish to add or remove email addresses per client. 

To override the send file step, locate the Action - Send File step and toggle the "Use default parameters" off and enter/remove email addresses from Email Address and Reply To fields. If you would like to enter multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.



To complete the configuration for your client, click the Next button at the bottom of the page and then the Save button on the moov summary page.


Plans with Principal Loans


Principal sends the updates to loans in a separate file and requires that you configure the Principal Loans Feedback to UKG moov.  If your client's plan has loans, please see the How to Configure the Principal Loans Feedback to UKG moov article.

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