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Home > Transformations > Time and Date Formats: A Quick Reference Guide
Time and Date Formats: A Quick Reference Guide
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detamoov supports a wide range of time and date-time formats to accommodate diverse data requirements. The following list provides examples of commonly used formats, ensuring flexibility and compatibility in your applications.

Time-Only Formats 

These formats represent time alone, without any date component.

  • hh: Hour (12-hour format, no leading zero) (e.g., 5)
  • HH: Hour (24-hour format, no leading zero) (e.g., 17)
  • hhmm: Hours and minutes in 12-hour format (e.g., 0530)
  • HHmm: Hours and minutes in 24-hour format (e.g., 1730)
  • hhmmss: Hours, minutes, and seconds in 12-hour format (e.g., 053015)
  • HHmmss: Hours, minutes, and seconds in 24-hour format (e.g., 173015)
  • hhmmssfff: Hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in 12-hour format (e.g., 053015123)
  • HHmmssfff: Hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in 24-hour format (e.g., 173015123)
  • hh: Hours and minutes, separated by a colon, in 12-hour format (e.g., 5:30)
  • HH: Hours and minutes, separated by a colon, in 24-hour format (e.g., 17:30)
  • hh:mm: Hours, minutes, and seconds in 12-hour format (e.g., 5:30:15)
  • HH:mm: Hours, minutes, and seconds in 24-hour format (e.g., 17:30:15)
  • hh:mmfff: Hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in 12-hour format (e.g., 5:30:15123)
  • HH:mmfff: Hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in 24-hour format (e.g., 17:30:15123)
  • hh tt: Hours and minutes in 12-hour format with AM/PM (e.g., 5 AM)
  • hh:mmtt: Hours, minutes, and seconds in 12-hour format with AM/PM (e.g., 5:30:15 PM)
  • hhtt: Hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds in 12-hour format with AM/PM (e.g., 5:30:15123 AM)

Date-Only Formats 

These formats represent date alone, without any time component.

  • M/d/yyyy: Month, day, and full year (e.g., 8/23/2024)
  • MM/dd/yyyy: Two-digit month, day, and full year (e.g., 08/23/2024)
  • d/M/yyyy: Day, month, and full year (e.g., 23/8/2024)
  • dd/MM/yyyy: Two-digit day, month, and full year (e.g., 23/08/2024)
  • yyyy/MM/dd: Full year, month, and day (e.g., 2024/08/23)
  • yyyyMMdd: Full year, month, and day, without separators (e.g., 20240823)
  • MM/dd/yy: Two-digit month, day, and two-digit year (e.g., 08/23/24)
  • M/d/yy: Month, day, and two-digit year (e.g., 8/23/24)
  • dd-MMM-yyyy: Two-digit day, three-letter month abbreviation, and full year (e.g., 23-Aug-2024)
  • MMM d, yyyy: Three-letter month abbreviation, day, and full year (e.g., Aug 23, 2024)

Date-Time Formats   

These formats combine both date and time components.

  • M/d/yyyy hhtt: Month, day, year, hours, minutes with AM/PM (e.g., 8/23/2024 02:30 PM)
  • MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt: Two-digit month, day, year, hours, minutes, seconds with AM/PM (e.g., 08/23/2024 02:30:45 PM)
  • MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm: Two-digit month, day, year, hours (24-hour), minutes, and seconds (e.g., 08/23/2024 14:30:45)
  • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm: Full year, month, day, hours (24-hour), minutes, and seconds (e.g., 2024/08/23 14:30:45)
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm: Full year, month, day, hours (24-hour), minutes, and seconds with hyphen separators (e.g., 2024-08-23 14:30:45)
  • yyyyMMdd HHmmss: Full year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds without separators (e.g., 20240823 143045)
  • dd-MM-yyyy hh tt: Day, month, year, hours, minutes with AM/PM (e.g., 23-08-2024 02:30 PM)
  • dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm: Day, abbreviated month name, year, hours (24-hour), minutes, and seconds (e.g., 23-Aug-2024 14:30:45)
  • M/d/yy hh:mm tt: Month, day, year (two-digit), hours, minutes, seconds with AM/PM (e.g., 8/23/24 02:30:45 PM)
  • yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmfff: ISO 8601 format with milliseconds (e.g., 2024-08-23T14:30:45.123)
  • yyyy/MM/dd hh:mmfff tt: Full year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, and AM/PM (e.g., 2024/08/23 02:30:45.123 PM)


  • hh vs HH: hh is the 12-hour format, while HH is the 24-hour format.
  • tt: The tt format is used for the AM/PM marker in the 12-hour clock.
  • Separators: Common separators include /, -, : as well as spaces.
  • Milliseconds: Represented as fff, can be included when more precision is needed.


This list illustrates a broad range of commonly supported formats, though it is not exhaustive and may vary based on specific use cases or custom requirements.

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