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Home > moovs > Disconnect from the detamoov QuickBooks Online App
Disconnect from the detamoov QuickBooks Online App
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This article describes the steps you can provide to your customer if they need to disconnect from the detamoov QuickBooks Online app.


NOTE:  By removing the authorization to connect to the QuickBooks Online detamoov will no longer be allowed to import files to that account.


To disconnect detamoov from the QuickBooks Online app, login to QuickBooks Online, access the QuickBooks company that you connected to detamoov (if your QuickBooks account can access multiple companies) and click on the Apps section on the left-hand menu.  The detamoov app will appear under the My Apps tab.  


Click the Launch button dropdown and select the Disconnect option from menu:


Select a reason for the disconnect and click the Disconnect button:


QuickBooks Online will then redirect to the detamoov website and display the following message:


"You have disconnected detamoov from your QuickBooks account. If this was unintentional, please contact your service provider."



To confirm that your customer no longer has a connection to the QuickBooks Online detamoov app, login to your detamoov account and access the QBO Import moov. In the moov configuration section hover over the  icon for the client's configuration to confirm that the client is no longer QuickBooks Authorized:

NOTE: please refresh your browser if you are not seeing the  icon after your client disconnects from the QuickBooks Online detamoov app.


If at any time you need to reconnect the client to the QuickBooks Online detamoov app, please review the Connect to QuickBooks Online article.

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