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Home > Premier Integrations > PrismHR Premier Integration > Manually importing PrismHR GL data to Quickbooks
Manually importing PrismHR GL data to Quickbooks
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This article will describe how to handle a situation where a PrismHR import to QuickBooks Online fails due to an invalid QuickBooks Online account, class or location/department. 


Say you added or updated an account, class or location/department in QuickBooks Online and then updated PrismHR to reflect the change.  The change won't reflect in the GL data generated by PrismHR until the next payroll, resulting in a failed import to QuickBooks Online. 


In the example below, we deleted account #101001 in QuickBooks because we are now using account #201001.  However, PrismHR is still sending the deleted account #101001 because the updates will not be generated until the next payroll.


With detamoov, there is no need to wait until the updates are made in PrismHR!  Simply follow the steps below to manually update the GL data and re-send it to QuickBooks Online.


Download the Standard GL file


First you will need to access the moov execution history of the Standard GL to QBO moov.  To do this, click on the moovs option on the left-hand side and then click the Standard GL to QBO moov.


On the moov maintenance page, make note of the values under the File name starts with (contains) in the moov configuration for your client.  We will need to use these values to make sure the file name is correct when uploading it back to detamoov. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the failed execution.



On the moov execution, we can see that the QBO Import step failed due to an invalid account in the Chart Of Accounts within QuickBooks.


To access the GL data that was received from PrismHR, click on the File Icon () on the Data File received step.



Then on the window that appears, click the download button in the upper-right to save the file.


Edit the Standard GL file


Once the Standard GL file for your client has been downloaded, open the file and correct the invalid account under the Account ID column.



Classes and Locations/Departments


If the QBO Import fails due to an invalid QBO Class, classes are mapped to the Cost Center 1 ID field in the Standard GL file.  Make the necessary changes in the Cost Center 1 ID field in the Standard GL for your client.


If the QBO Import fails due to an invalid Location/Department, locations/departments are mapped to the Cost Center 2 ID field in the Standard GL file. Make the necessary changes in the Cost Center 2 ID field in the Standard GL for your client.


Save the Standard GL File


Once you have made the necessary changes in the Standard GL file, save the file and make sure the file name starts with the "File name starts with" value in the moov configuration for your client and it contains the value in the "File name contains" field.  In our example above, we would name the file '845.csv' since our "File name contains" field is blank.


Manually Upload the Standard GL File


Once you have updated and save the Standard GL file, you are ready to upload it back to detamoov.  To upload the file, click on the Upload Files button in the upper left of your detamoov account.  Then drag/drop the file or click browse to select the file and click the "Process Uploaded Files" button.


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