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Home > moovs > Connect to Dropbox
Connect to Dropbox
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We realized our customers needed the ability to send data securely when they didn't have SFTP or where an emailing the data wouldn't be secure. For example, you are receiving data from a third party that has social security numbers within it. You don't have an internal SFTP option and you know that best practices of emailing SSNs is not acceptable. What do you do?


To help these scenarios, detamoov now offers the ability to upload files directly to Dropbox! For more information on Dropbox, visit their website at Currently, all Dropbox plans, including their free Basic plan, are supported by detamoov.


This article describes how you can create a connection to a Dropbox account to allow detamoov to transfer files to a specified Dropbox directory. 


Configuring a client


To configure your client with a moov containing a Dropbox Upload step, click the ADD button under the moov configuration section. 


For more detailed information on adding a moov configuration for your client, please see our add a moov configuration article.


Connect to Dropbox


Once you have created a moov configuration for your client, hover over the client name and click on the   icon button to generate the Upload Link for your client.



Copy the Url that appears in the pop-up window:


Once the Url you copied is accessed, your client can click the 'Connect to Dropbox' button to be redirected to the Intuit authorization page.



A Dropbox authorization process will now commence. You will then be prompted to login to the Drobox account to connect to detamoov.



After logging into your Dropbox account, click Continue:


Then click Allow on the next prompt:



Once the authorization has been granted, you will be redirected back to detamoov showing the Dropbox panel in a Connected status.



Dropbox Upload Settings


To upload files to Dropbox, your client can either upload to the default directory of Apps/detamoov, or they can create a directory inside the Apps/detamoov directory.


You will need to edit the Action - Dropbox Upload step to specify the Dropbox folder where you want detamoov to upload the files.  To edit the Dropbox Upload settings, click on the cog icon under the Action - Dropbox Upload set and then toggle the "Use default parameters" off.



NOTE: Once you authorize detamoov, a 'detamoov' folder will be created in the Apps directory on your account.  There is no need to specify the 'detamoov' folder inside the moov definition. 


For example, if we want to upload files to a folder named '401k' inside the Apps/detamoov Dropbox directory, we would enter '/401k' into the Folder path field.



A folder in the Test Folder path can be entered as well and is linked to the Status of the moov configuration created for your client.  If you wish to have test files send to a separate Dropbox folder, you can enter in that path into the Test Folder path field.



Click the Save Changes button to save the settings.

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