Custom fields can be created to identify a value not in the source data which is being processed by detamoov. These fields can be a static value or perform some function/calculation to identify key data elements.
Custom fields can be used as a starting point for a number of other features in detamoov, including:
- moov Execution Summary Reports
- moov Notification Steps
- moov Header/Footer Row Creation Steps
- moov File Naming Steps
Let's review some common use cases and how custom fields can be utilized.
Use Case #1: A header row requires the sum of all contribution and loan repayment amounts
So a provider you're working with for a retirement file integration has a header row which requires all contribution and loan repayment amounts in the file to be summed. It's used as a "check" on the file to ensure a properly formatted file is received. So how do you accomplish this?
First thing first, create a new custom field.
1. Enter the name "Total Contribution and Loan Amount".
2. Choose the "Calculate the sum/total value of a specific set of fields from all records" in the field type dropdown
3. In the Field Selection area, select all the fields which should be summed. This should include employee contribution fields, employer match fields and loan repayment fields.
Now that you have this custom field, when you go to the header row creation for this moov, you'll be able to select the "Total Contribution and Loan Amount" custom field for use on the header row.
Use Case #2: You want summary information to easily see what was processed by a moov execution
Wouldn't it be nice to easily see summary information on data that was processed by detamoov? This way you don't need to dive deep into a file to calculate things on your own, you have it calculated for you.
Let's expand on the custom field we created in use case #1 above. In addition to the Total Contribution and Loan Amount, we want to break out this figure with a few subtotals. For each subtotal we'd like to see, we simply create a custom field.
Subtotal #1: Total Employee Contribution Amount
1. Name the field "Total Employee Contribution Amount"
2. Choose "Calculate the sum/total value of a specific set of fields from all records" in the field type dropdown
3. In the Field Selection area, select all the fields which pertain to employee contributions. These field values will be summed.
Subtotal #2: Total Employer Match Contribution Amount
1. Name the field "Total Employer Match Contribution Amount"
2. Choose "Calculate the sum/total value of a specific set of fields from all records" in the field type dropdown
3. In the Field Selection area, select all the fields which pertain to employer match contributions. These field values will be summed.
Subtotal #3: Total Employee Loan Repayment Amount
1. Name the field "Total Employee Loan Repayment Amount"
2. Choose "Calculate the sum/total value of a specific set of fields from all records" in the field type dropdown
3. In the Field Selection area, select all the fields which pertain to employee loan repayments. These field values will be summed.
Great, so now we have three subtotal fields. Last thing we'll want is something to help identify the client and period these values are associated with.
For the client, we'll create another custom field to select the company legal name from the data we're processing.
1. Name the field "Client Name"
2. Choose "Select the value of a specific field from the first record" in the field type dropdown
3. In the Field Selection area, select the Company Legal Name field from the data being processed.
For the check date, we'll create another custom field to select the check date from the data we're processing.
1. Name the field "Check Date"
2. Choose "Select the value of a specific field from the first record" in the field type dropdown
3. In the Field Selection area, select the Payroll Check Date field which identifies the check date of the data being processed.
Now that we have all these fields, whenever data is processed on a moov with these custom fields we'll see a summary report with this information. See the image below:
Use Case #3: You want to send out a notification during moov execution with key information
This use case is really just an extension of use case #2. Now in addition to seeing a summary report, we want to send out key data related to a moov execution to a set of recipients (your team, your client or both). So within our moov definition, we create a notification step. The body that we create for the notification can include the custom fields we've created. So let's create a body like below:
"401k contribution data has just been sent to XYX 401k Provider. Below is summary of the data sent:
- Company: [client name]
- Check Date: [check date]
- Total Retirement Plan Amount: [total contribution and loan amount]
- Total Employee Contribution Amount: [total employee contribution amount]
- Total Employer Match Contribution Amount: [total employer match contribution amount]
- Total Employee Loan Repayment Amount: [total employee loan repayment amount]
Thanks for your trust in us!
ABC Payroll"
Now each time the moov executes, this notification will be sent!