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Home > moovs > My created moov is not showing in my moovs
My created moov is not showing in my moovs
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Have you created your own moov, but you are not seeing it when you access your moovs section?  This article will describe how you can ensure that the moov is accessible after it has been created.


Publish the moov


First, you will want to make sure that you have published the moov so that it is accessible in your moovs section.  To publish a moov, click on your initials in the upper right and select the Admin Console option.



Once you are on the Admin Console, scroll to the right and click on the moov Definitions tab.  Then click on the moov Definition row.



In the upper right of the Edit moov Definition page, toggle the Published switch to the on position (the toggle will turn green and move to the right).



The Edit moov Definition page will automatically close with a success message and the Published column on the moovs table with show a check mark, indicating that the moov was successfully published.



The moov can now be configured in the moov section of your account.


If you notice that the moov is already published, but you are still not seeing it in the moovs section, please check the filters on that page.


Check Status Filters


Click on the moovs option on the left and then click the three vertical bars in the upper right.



Make sure that the Active option is checked and your moov should appear in the moovs table.

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