detamoov has API integration completed with isolved. Currently this API integration supports the following use cases:
- Time import from a third-party time system to isolved
- New hire integration from isolved to a third-party platform
- Employee update integration from isolved to a third-party platform
What makes the above possible is an API integration between detamoov and isolved. If you do not have the detamoov-isolved API integration available, contact the isolved Network Partner support team. Share with them that you'd like the detamoov API add-on enabled in your isolved environment.
Once this integration is enabled in isolved, detamoov support will receive our API credentials for your isolved environment. These credentials will be added to your detamoov account by the detamoov support team.
As you enable one of the above integrations, you need to provide client level access within isolved to the detamoov API user for the client you're enabling the integration on. To do this:
- Sign into your isolved account
- Navigate to Security \ Partner Users
- In the partner dropdown, select "isolved HCM Rest API" and click the Filter button
- Select "Detamoov" (yes they put a capital D on it 🤣) from the list of users
- Select the "Client Access" tab which displays the list of users
- On the Client Access card on the right side of the screen, click the "+ Add New" button
- Enter the client code into the textbox
- Click Save
If you don't complete the above, the detamoov API user in isolved will not have access to the client you're building the integration for and will fail!