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Showing articles from isolved tag

isolved - configuring a system level data transmission setting to detamoov

Every detamoov account has the ability to receive data via SFTP for processing. To read more about this, visit our [SFTP Maintenance][1] article. For isolved users, configuring System Level Data Transmission settings is a key area to instruct isolved to SFTP reports to detamoov for processing. In isolved, you access …

isolved Time Import FAQ

**1. What isolved time card formats are supported?** The detamoov time import to isolved supports the following isolved timecard import formats: * Timecard Import 1 * Timecard Import 2 **2. What third-party time systems can be imported to isolved through detamoov?** There answer is any third-party time system …

isolved - configuring client access to the detamoov API user

detamoov has API integration completed with isolved. Currently this API integration supports the following use cases: * Time import from a third-party time system to isolved * New hire integration from isolved to a third-party platform * Employee update integration from isolved to a third-party platform What m…

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