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Showing articles from isolved tag

isolved - Enabling the Employee Data Beacon 1 Legal Service

detamoov uses an employee data beacon to detect any employee change or new hire and pulls over 100 data elements from isolved.  This data can then be used to sync to a third party system. To enable an employee data beacon to fire off for a company, first enable the "Employee Data Beacon 1" legal service for each c…

isolved - Scheduled Reports vs. Scheduled Transmissions

isolved has flexible ways to initiate transmission of data, but there are key differences between them which can have an impact with your integration to detamoov. This article will discuss the two types of transmissions that can be used and discuss the key differences between each. First, the two types of transmis…

isolved Time Import FAQ

1. What isolved time card formats are supported? The detamoov time import to isolved supports the following isolved timecard import formats: * Timecard Import 1 * Timecard Import 2 2. What third-party time systems can be imported to isolved through detamoov? There answer is any third-party time system which ca…

isolved - configuring client access to the detamoov API user

detamoov has API integration completed with isolved. Currently this API integration supports the following use cases: * Time import from a third-party time system to isolved * New hire integration from isolved to a third-party platform * Employee update integration from isolved to a third-party platform What …

isolved - configuring a system level data transmission setting to detamoov

Every detamoov account has the ability to receive data via SFTP for processing. To read more about this, visit our SFTP Maintenance article. For isolved users, configuring System Level Data Transmission settings is a key area to instruct isolved to SFTP reports to detamoov for processing. In isolved, you access …

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