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Home > moovs > Import to QuickBooks Online Rollback Notification
Import to QuickBooks Online Rollback Notification
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When a QuickBooks Online integration is completed within detamoov, multiple entries in QBO may be created. For example, your payroll produces general ledger data that includes two checks and one journal entry which needs to be added to QBO.


Before creating anything in QBO, detamoov completes a series of validations.

  • Do all accounts in your general ledger data exist in QBO?

  • Do all classes (if you're using classes) in your general ledger data exist in QBO?

  • If your import is NOT configured to auto-create vendors/customers/employees, do all references to those in your general ledger data exist in QBO?


If any of the above validations fail, the QBO import will fail, and no checks or journal entries will be created. You will receive a report from detamoov on the validation errors.


What happens though if all the above validations pass and detamoov starts creating new checks and journal entries in QBO and for some reason something fails during this process. For example, a scenario where you have two checks and one journal entry.


detamoov successfully adds check #1.

detamoov successfully adds check #2.

For some reason, the journal entry creation fails.


In the above scenario, a complete QBO integration was not achieved. detamoov does not want to "orphan" the two checks.


As a result, detamoov will auto-rollback (remove) checks #1 and #2 above. Once the rollback is complete, you'll receive a notification from detamoov sharing that the QBO integration errored and that any successful entry which had been created, has been rolled back.



If your QBO integration is set to auto-create vendors/customers/employees and they are created by detamoov, those will not be rolled back. The rollback only impacts checks and journal entries.

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