Transformation Definitions allows you to transform data from one type to another based on the File Definition you created or pre-defined File Definitions detamoov has created. Transformation Definitions provide many different ways for you to transform data using specific rules based on the data type of the File Definition fields.
If you haven't already created a File Definition, please refer to the How to create a new File Definition article.
Create a New Transformation Definition
To create a new transformation definition, access the Admin Console by clicking on your initials at the top right hand corner.
Next you will want to click on Transformation Definitions tab, and then click the Add button to create a new transformation definition.
If you do not see the Transformation Definitions option in the Admin Console, please Contact Us to request the feature to be added to your account.
Then select the Create New Definition option.
Enter in a Name and a Description for your transformation, then select an Input File Definition.
If you do not see a specific File Definition you have created, please refer to the How to create a new File Definition article and make sure the definition has been published.
A Transformation Definition requires that you specify the Output File Type. This is the format of the file generated once the transformation is complete. The options for the output type are:
- CSV - a standard CSV delimited file using the delimiter of your choice
- Fixed Length - a fixed length field where you will specify the field length of each field in the transformation
- Grouped Record Types (CSV) - groups the records of a standard CSV delimited file where you specify the grouping
- Grouped Record Types (FL) - a fixed length field where you will specify the field length of each field in the transformation and the grouping
- Multiple Record Types (CSV) - a CSV delimited file using the delimiter of your choice that creates multiple output records for each record in the source file
- Multiple Record Types (FL) - a fixed length field where you will specify the field length of each field in the transformation. This creates multiple output records for each record in the source file
- XML - an XML format file
- JSON - a JSON format file
In our example Transformation Definition, we'll create a standard CSV output file by selecting the CSV Output File Type and a comma (,) as our delimiter.
A Transformation Definition allows you to select a field from the source file in the File Definition selected from the Input File Definition field to map to a field in the generated output file. To create a field, click on Add Field.
Next, enter in a Field Name and select the corresponding Input Field(s). The value we enter in the Field Name on a standard CSV output type will be the header value in our output file.
Here we have selected the First Name and Last Name input fields from our File Definition.
We selected the First Name and Last Name rule because we want to combine these two values into a single field. To accomplish this, we will add a transformation rule to our field. Rules allow you to change the existing data to the desired output format.
To add a transformation rule, click the ADD Rule button.
To combine two fields, we will select the "Concatenate" rule and enter in a space character for our separator.
There are different rules based upon the data types (STRING, NUMBER, and DATE). The data type for each field appears next to the Input Field Name (First Name | STRING).
For more information about each rule available, refer to the tooltip by hovering over each rule.
To complete the new field, click the Ok button on the bottom right.
Add a new field for each field you expect to have in the output file after the Transformation is complete. In our example, we have created a field for the employee's SSN, their Hire Date and their PreTax Contribution amount.
To Save the Transformation Definition, click the Save Changes button in the lower right.
For an extensive list of available Transformation Rules for each data type, review the Transformation Definition - Field Rules article.
Previewing a Transformation Definition
A great feature of the Transformation Definition is the ability to preview the definition using the source file that matches the File Definition selected when you created the transformation.
To preview the Transformation Definition, hover over the row of your transformation and click on the magnifying glass icon.
You will be prompted to select a file from your system that matches the File Definition you selected when creating the transformation. If the file matches the File Definition, you will see the data transformed according to the fields and rules you created.
You can review the data to ensure it is accurate according to your desired output. A download option is also available if you wish to review the file in an editor of your choice.
Publish the Transformation Definition
Before the Transformation definition can be used to create a moov Definition, it must be Published. To Publish the Transformation Definition, edit the definition and click on the Publish button at the top right hand corner of the page.