This article describes how to configure your client for a moov that includes a PrismHR Time Import step.
Before you can configure the client for the PrismHR Time Import step, you will need to:
- Create a PrismHR Pay Import Definition within PrismHR if you haven't already done so.
- Create a moov Definition that transforms the time import data into the Pay Import Definition format and uses the PrismHR API.
Once you have completed these steps, you are ready to configure your client for the PrismHR Time Import step.
Creating a Time Import moov Definition that uses the PrismHR API
In this example, we will build a moov definition that will take a Toast time file, transform it to the PrismHR Pay Import Definition, and import the data to PrismHR.
Create a File Definition
First, we will need to create a file definition that defines our source data. Below is a simple Toast time export file:
To create a file definition in detamoov, click on your initials in the upper-right and select Admin Console.
Then click on the File Definitions tab, click the ADD button and select "Upload Sample File (csv)".
Next, click the Upload Sample Input File button and select the source file you want to created the file definition from. Then provide a Name for the File Definition. By default, all fields from the source file will be created as Input Fields. All Input Fields will be set to a STRING type.
To ensure that the data can be transformed correctly, you must review each Input Field and change the type from STRING to the matching type. For example, we would update the following fields to change from STRING to NUMERIC:
Once the Input Field types have been set, click Save Changes.
After you save the file definition, click on the file definition row and toggle the Published switch in the upper-right to ON.
Create a Transformation Definition
Now that you have created the file definition, you can create a transformation definition that transforms the Toast source file into the PrismHR Pay Import Definition you will use for the time import. For example, here are the Import Field Definitions on the Pay Import Definition that was created in PrismHR for this transformation:
To create a transformation definition, click on Transformation Definition Tab and click Create New Definition.
Enter a name and description, select File Definition from the Input Definition Type dropdown, and then select the file definition you created above. The Output File type for this example will be a Multi-Record Type (csv). This output type is required because we have a single row for each employee, but they can have both Regular hours and OT hours. A Multi-Record Type will create an output row for each record we create.
Using our Toast example file above, we will be taking a row that has Regular and OT hours, like this:
and creating 2 rows for this employee when transforming to the PrismHR Pay Import Definition we will be using:
First, create the Regular hours record by clicking the Start New Record button and naming the record Regular Hours. Then select the Regular hours | NUMERIC field from the Input Fields dropdown.
Next, add a rule that says to only create the Regular Hours record if the Regular hours field value is greater than 0 and click OK.
Now we can add our fields and mappings for the Regular Hours record. Click Add Field, enter in a name of the field, and select the appropriate field from the source file on click OK.
When creating the Pay Code field, you will need to reference the Pay Codes in PrismHR and then create a default value using the code (note: Pay Codes are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as they appear in PrismHR).
When creating the Hours field, map to the Regular hours field in the source file.
Next, we will create a new record for the OT hours. Repeating the steps above, we will create the new record - mapping our Pay Code to a default of OT and the Hours field to the OT hours field.
There are now 2 records that may be created for each employee row in our source file.
Click the Save Change button at the bottom.
To make the transformation definition available in the moov, edit the transformation definition and toggle the Published switch in the upper-right to ON.
Create a moov Definition
A moov Definition is a set of defined steps that "moovs" data after it has been received, using the definitions created from the File Definition. Here we will build a basic moov definition that receives the Toast file, transforms it to the PrismHR format, and imports the data to PrismHR via the API.
To create a new moov Definition, click on moov Definitions tab, and then click the Add button to create a new moov definition.
Enter in a Name, an Integrates with, Integration Type, a moov description and click the Add Step button.
In the Step dropdown, select Data Trigger, enter a Description and select the file definition created previously and click OK.
Click Add Step again and select File Transformation. Enter in a Description and select the transformation definition created previously, then click OK.
When creating a Multi-Record Type (csv) transformation, the headers will not be present in the output file. We will need to add a Add Header/Footer row step to include the PrismHR headers before importing the data.
Click Add Step and select Add Step and select Add Header / Footer Rows and enter a Description. Under the Header Rows section click Add Row and expand Row index: 1. Then click Add Component.
Create a Text component for each of the fields in the output file. For our example, we will create the following header row field components:
Click OK once all header components have been added.
Click Add Step and select PrismHR Time Import, enter in a Description and click OK.
You can optionally add other steps to your moov definition, like a notification that the import was successful or custom fields if you wish. To complete the moov creation, click Save Changes.
In order for a moov Definition to become available in the moovs section of your account, it must be published. To Publish the moov Definition, edit the definition and click on the Publish button at the top right hand corner of the page.
To configure your client for the moov, access the moovs section on the left and click on your moov definition.
In the moov configuration section, click the Add button to add a new client.
Client/Entity - either select an existing client or click the + sign to create a new client.
Status - Set to Testing or Active
Expected Frequency - the client's payroll frequency
File Name Starts With - typically the client or company code within your payroll platform. The value entered into this field is important as the file you send to detamoov must start with this value.
File Name Contains - optional value that is included in the file name
Scroll down and locate the Action - PrismHR Import step, expand the PrismHR API Panel and click Add.
Configure the PrismHR Time Import Premier Integration
On the side page that appears:
- Select your PrismHR Premier Integration from the dropdown
- Enter in the Client ID
- Select the 'Pay/Time Sheet Import' option from the Import Type dropdown
- Enter in the Pay Import Definition Id (must match exactly as it appears in PrismHR)
- Select the Batch Type(s)
- Optional: enter in a Batch Description Contains only if your client runs multiple payrolls
- Optional: toggle the "Ignore Errors on Import" if you wish for detamoov to import time data even if there are errors in the file
- Optional: enter email address(es) for failed PrismHR API calls. If left blank, all detamoov users on your account with administrator rights will receive the notifications
Once you have completed the PrismHR API configuration, click OK.
To save the configuration scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Next, then click Save on the summary page.