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Home > moovs > What's a collision?
What's a collision?
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One safety feature built into detamoov is a collision. Collisions are our way to ensure that detamoov is not asked to send duplicate data to a third party.


If you're in the payroll industry, collisions are detamoov's answer to payroll reprocesses. How often do they happen and then you worry that you're not sending a duplicate set of data out of payroll? Quite often right!


A definition of a collision


A collision is triggered when two or more executions of the same moov configuration are invoked. An example is better to explain this:


You have configured your client, Joe's Deli, to have their retirement plan contributions sent John Hancock. Joe's Deli payroll run is complete and the contribution data must now be shared with John Hancock. detamoov acts and is in the process of sending Joe's Deli's retirement plan contributions. Before this execution is finished, detamoov is invoked again to send payroll contribution data for Joe's Deli to John Hancock. 


So what's detamoov to do? Send both sets of data?


If you've been in the industry for a bit, you'll likely have the following questions immediately come to mind:


  • Should this second payroll go to John Hancock?
  • Was the second payroll a reprocess of the original payroll?
  • Did second payroll void the original payroll?
  • Was the second payroll a bonus payroll?
  • Was the second payroll a completely different pay period?


All good questions and frankly detamoov isn't the expert to know the exact answer for every scenario. As a result, a collision may be triggered (based on the moov's setting). If a collision is triggered:


  1. You'll be notified via email that a collision has been detected and needs resolution
  2. A new item on your detamoov home page in the action center will display for the collision
  3. The collision will remain until resolved by a detamoov user


Resolving a Collision


To resolve a collision, follow the steps in this article: Resolving a Collision.

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